If you print this out with a regular inkjet or laser printer, I've heard of some ATMs that don't accept them, but otherwise work as normal. If you have a laser printer and can buy magnetic ink, the checks will work pretty much everwhere. I think it is this one though: Depositing

I can't find the link to the exact check paper I have, I bought like 1000 sheets a long time ago and have been working through that stock since then. However, I've been using this code for almost 10 years now, and is for some reason the easiest way for me to print checks. There are almost certainly better ways of doing this, like using an actual program designed for this purpose. You can optionally include pay-to information as well. To use it, edit checks.php and fill in your bank details, routing number, account number, etc. This is a horrible mess of code that generates a PDF of checks that you can print out on check paper.