It is revealed that Proxy's other modules are still functioning after they sparred with June's bodyguard. Kitsune-1 desperately tries speaking to Proxy, hoping that her partner will at least respond with anything their speech module has been damaged, seemingly by Bolo. It could be worse if there is even a slightest possibility that Proxy has been hacked by Nanami. Another woman identified as Mistress June agrees with Mistress Kibo, saying that this matter falls under her jurisdiction. A woman identified as Mistress Kibo tells Kitsune-1 something which seems she has been repeating many times, that her partner is out of order and they will be send for reformatting. Proxy gains their consciousness back, inside an Arsenal where their fate is currently being discussed by some figures. She also promises Proxy that she will not let them down, before uttering the phrase: Trust me. Kitsune-1 agrees with the Overseer's suggestion, she then apologizes for having to deactivate Proxy until she has a word with the Boss.

The Overseer then suggests to turn Proxy off for now, while they still can. He angrily claims that he fixed Proxy after they were attacked by the other bot. Kitsune-1 is shocked when she sees that Proxy has been reprogrammed, wondering what the old human did to them. The old human retaliates by activating 127th Protocol, which causes Proxy to defend him from the Overseer's lapdog. The Overseer is offended at the old human's attitude, and he sends his men to teach him a lesson. The old human is surprised that a bot can talk and asks if it is legal. A foxlike bot named Kitsune-1 then arrives, saying that she has been searching for Proxy everywhere since 3 days. The ambusher, who is identified as Overseer Gizmo, orders the human to stand still and calls for someone as he has found Proxy. Storyline Transformation: Itu's Plane Īn old man is fixing a shadow bot behind a warehouse, who got attacked by another worker bot earlier.